Your gateway to Africa
We are a membership organisation for stakeholders in Scotland and Africa that exists to create commercial value for its members through introducing and linking stakeholders, managing and organising targeted events and facilitating access to Government bodies and key influencers to match opportunities and projects.
SABA’s objective is to help deliver tangible commercial outputs which are beneficial to African countries and Scottish companies and institutions by making it easier for both sides to execute opportunities. We will work closely with members, African Governments and our Partners and local network to help identify, research and define specific opportunities and potential funding options.
The SABA team and its network of Partners and local contacts are all proven professionals and can be available to support throughout the business development process and beyond.
SABA was established based on feedback from both African governments that the UK was too large and fragmented to allow easy engagement with potential trade and investment partners, and from Scottish business and institutions that opportunities were difficult to identify and perceived as too risky. Given the specific African sectoral needs and Scotland’s strengths and capabilities in these sectors, we believe that a targeted approach can be a win-win for both Africa and Scotland. Such sectors include Energy (Power, Oil & Gas and Renewables), Agriculture, Education, Healthcare, Fintech and others.
The Scottish Africa Business Association (SABA) is a not for profit, independent, trade and export focussed organisation financed by membership fees, sponsorship and event surpluses, with all excess funds reinvested to promote our members’ interests.